va·ca·tion (v-k
n, v
-) n. leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure
i·de·a -d
) n. Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity.
I thought a dream vacation would be a visit to the East Coast, (how cosmopolitan) see a “Show,” do some museums, run up to Boston for a couple days and kayak the Statue of Liberty…..well lets just say that it sounds good is as far as it goes. The rain or alternating oppressive humidity really made the entire trip much more challenging than it needed to be. There was little rest and the pleasure was in spending time with our family.
My nephew, Kris lives in the West side of the Village. We enjoyed a great walking tour of “the village” and a killah meal at Extra Virgin. But Rich and I were plagued with a bit of vertigo (not the U2 kind!) after our 4 hour kayak around the Statue earlier in the day and while eating in the smallish restaurant, where we were literally tucked in the back where we where the wait staff had to delivery everything around a pole/column but the constraining surroundings, plus the post “sea legs” we were rocking and rolling until the Chianti hit!
The next day we were off to the
The next day we headed to
Then we drove back to
Well we couldn’t be happier to be home in sunny